High BP, the Pernicious Assasinator
In a future when you are enjoying your dinner with your three or four colleagues, give a good look around; one of you will be definitely high BP. Unfortunately, as there are no symptoms, you could not even be thinking of it. Untreated high blood pressure can result in heart attack or failure of your kidneys. There is contribution of various factors to this disorder that are under as well as out of control. In a future when you make sure that you are getting your BP observed at frequent basis then alone you can determine whether you are suffering from high BP or not. The effects of high Blood pressure are very harmful, so a person must not take it lightly.
Requirement of brain, free flow of blood to carry out its many roles. If you aUntreated above average bloodpressurere constantly suffering from high BP then it is very much possible that it can make your blood vessels feeble. At times these cracked up blood vessels can tear up, and blood can leak into the brain. When it comes up then that part of brain becomes dead and numb, which can even lead to a stroke, a harmful. Besides, whenever a blood clotting jammed a narrowed artery, blood ceases to flow and a stroke will happen. Set of symptoms of a stroke consist of immediate numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, particularly on one side of the body, dilemma, difficulty speaking, or in vision & immediate severe headache.